We’re taking a break from our StoryBrand series to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the team here at Lifedge!
There are so many things that make Christmas special for different people. The feel of the season just tends to bring back so much sweet nostalgia for many reasons!
We want to share with you some of our favorite Christmas traditions. Perhaps some of these are familiar for your family, too!
Our favorite Christmas traditions

“When I was a child, my mom and dad gave us new pajamas every year (no matching!) on the 24th. On the 25th, we got to wake up with new pajamas to celebrate, and then go to my aunt’s in the afternoon.
Now that we have a family, Terrah and I have some traditions of our own! The first is putting up our Christmas tree and decorations the day after Halloween. Then, we have a few different celebrations throughout the month. Usually in mid-December, we head to Costa Rica to spend time with family for Christmas. We also love reading the birth of Christ from Luke 1 and 2. Christmas is definitely our favorite holiday as a family!”


“Almost every year, my family makes hot chocolate and cookies, grabs blankets and pajamas, and hops in the car to drive around a few neighborhoods and look at/rate their Christmas lights!
We also watch White Christmas and Elf every year.”

“One of my favorite parts of Christmas happens on Christmas Eve, when all of the siblings exchange gifts. We all have so much fun giving to each other and watching everyone open the gifts!”
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What are your favorite Christmas traditions?? We wish you a very Merry Christmas with family and friends!