Branding & Graphic Design

Worried you’re lacking cohesive branding? Lifedge paints a narrative of who you are through your brand. We work to implement a system that builds recognition for your company and use graphics to increase visual engagement. We look forward to talking with you to see how we can create quality branding & graphic design that will grow your business.


What We Do:

Logo Creation and Design

Whether you have a pre-existing logo or are starting fresh, we’re here to help make your logo clean and effective.

Digital Marketing Materials

E-books, business cards, pamphlets or brochures, postcards or any other materials you want-–we can develop and design digital or printable materials that match your brand.

Brand Management

We work to give you consistency in your brand throughout all platforms. Starting fresh? Let us help you bring life to your branding and style.

What You Get:


Brand consistency throughout platforms to give your company a uniform, crisp look


An original logo that matches the style of your company


Materials with a clean look that provide information to clients


A team of people working with you to bring your vision to life

branding & graphic design the lifedge way
branding & graphic design introductions


Tell us what you’re envisioning for your company! We want to hear about what you want and design a plan that fits your business.

branding & graphic design your vision

Your Vision:

Next, we want to dig deeper into what you like. We’ll ask you for some branding examples or graphics you find to be in-line with what you’re looking for so that we have something to go off of as we design.

branding & graphic design proposals


After we know the style, we then want to find ways to fill it in. How exactly do you want to present your company or display information through words? We then use this to make up three mockups to propose to you.

the finished product

The Finished Product:

When you’ve reviewed the proposals, we then ask your thoughts. After, we go move onto rounds of changes and reviews until you’re satisfied with the final design that we’ll send to you ready-to-use! That’s all–a new look, stress free.

Six Myths of a New Website

Six Myths of a New Website

We love new sites as much as the next person, but we want you to know some common myths of a new website. Check them out!

Top Graphic Design Tips

Top Graphic Design Tips

Graphic design can often feel overwhelming. In this post, we’ll help you improve your digital marketing with these top graphic design tips.

4 Tips to Create a Moneymaking Business Card 

Graphic Design Tips

Download our free PDF!

Want to know more about graphic design? Here are some of our top tips!

Tools/Software We Recommend for Small Businesses

Adobe Suite

Creative Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services for photography, design, video, web, UX, and more. We use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop


Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.


Shutterstock offers the best quality, royalty free stock images, photos, vectors, illustrations, footage, video, and music for nearly any application.


Beautiful free images and pictures for everyone. The internet’s source of freely-usable images. Powered by creators everywhere.

Noun Project

Noun Project features the most diverse collection of icons and stock photos ever. Download SVG and PNG. Browse over 3 million art-quality icons.