6 Things to Have Before You Create or Redesign Your Website
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We want you to know six of the most important things that you should have before you create or redesign your website.

A fresh, new website can be a substantial asset to your business. A website is usually the first place a potential customer will go when they hear about you. They want to learn more about your product or service, see what you do, and find out how you can help them.

At Lifedge, we’ve built dozens of websites that have helped businesses go from marketing confusion to marketing success. We want to create an online space that will clearly show your customers why your brand is great. When you have something extraordinary to offer, the world has to know!

Today, we’re going to give you the inside scoop on what you should have before you create or redesign your website. Whether you hire a professional to build your site or construct it yourself, here are some pieces you will need to take you smoothly through the process.

1) Knowledge of your customer’s problem

One of the biggest mistakes that we notice on many websites is that the site focuses on the business or owner rather than the customer and his or her problem. Your customer cares less than you think about how your cat inspired you to start your company. What they care about is the problem they are currently having, and how you can fix it to make their life better.

Before you begin building your site, ask yourself these questions:

  • “What is my customer’s problem as it relates to my brand?”
  • “Who does my customer want to be after doing business together?”
  • “How can I make my customer’s life better?”

Don’t get us wrong, there’s a place for your story, introduction, and information about how long you’ve been in business, but it’s not what’s most important. Before sharing any of that, you need to hook people by helping them understand how you’ll help them and why they should look further than the header of your website.

2) Content for your internal pages

The internal copy text — or content — for your website will certainly vary greatly depending on the type of site you’re creating. Start thinking about your services and the information your customers will need.

If you’re a pet food store, you’ll probably need information about the different foods you offer. If you’re a home builder, you’ll need to gather statistics about your available models. If you’re a restaurant, be sure to have your menu ready to go. Other internal pages might include a FAQ page or a contact page. You’ll want to prepare content for those as well.

3) Images/photography

If you’re working with a web builder, they may also offer photography or videography (ask us about our studio packages!). However, if you’re building a site yourself, this is definitely something you’ll need to think about in advance.

Building a quality website requires quality images. Images draw attention, trigger emotion, bring your product or service to life, and help you show up in search engine results. They’re a powerful and critical part of making your website look professional and attractive.

Steer clear of fuzzy, low-quality photos and overused stock photos. Taking the time to capture quality images yourself or hire a professional photographer will pay off in the end.

4) Three examples of websites that you like

When building a website, we ask all of our clients for three examples of websites they like. Before you start on your site, you’ll want to have an idea of how you’d like it to turn out. What websites do you love? What colors and styles look good to you? Are you going for a bright, clean, welcoming site, or something more eclectic? Even if you can’t put your style into words exactly, having some examples of sites you like will provide a good guide for the building process of your new website.

5) Three competitors

All businesses face competition. Knowing your competitors will give you an edge as you compete in the world of your specific product or service. Before starting in on your site, you’ll want to have a good idea of what your competitors are offering, how they’re advertising, and what they’re charging. Only when you know what’s out there can you effectively make your product or service stand out above the rest.

6) The goal of your website

Building a new website without a goal is a surefire way to waste time and money. Before getting started, it’s imperative to think about what you want your website to accomplish for you. Is your main objective to increase sales? Do you want to improve your interaction with existing customers? Are you hoping to become a highly-trafficked authoritative internet resource? Do you need to provide more organized information to your clients? One of the very first steps to building a new website is having a thorough understanding of what you hope to accomplish.

Now get out there and create (or redesign) your website!

We hope these six things to have before you create or redesign your website were helpful to you! Whether you’re beginning to think about building a site, searching for a web designer, or halfway finished with a site recreation, we’re confident that thinking about your answers to these questions will give you a boost in the process.

Many aspects of the business world can be scary, and creating or redesigning a website is definitely one of them! However, success comes by taking the first step. We love this quote by Robin Sharma:

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.”

Whether you’re just getting started on website plans, need some quality images or graphic design, want to hire a professional for SEO, or could use some help with your copy, Lifedge is here for you. Check out our available services or schedule a free consultation today to see how we can help you achieve success online and see real results.

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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