Lifedge’s 5-Year Anniversary
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I started Lifedge 5 years ago. With just a couple of monthly clients that trusted me, I embarked on the journey of helping them succeed. It’s been an amazing experience so far, and this month, we’re celebrating Lifedge’s 5-year anniversary!

The start of Lifedge

I’ll be honest here, though. The real reason why I started my company was because I saw the opportunity to have a career with a better life balance.

Years ago, I was building around 50-75 websites annually for small businesses in a web design company. I loved that job and I really enjoyed my time there.

As my knowledge of making websites grew, I was offered a new job at another company, managing only one site. To me, going from thinking about 75 different companies each year to the needs of only one seemed like the real deal, so I took the job.

We had our ups and downs, and everything ended when they closed their doors in March 2017.


I still believe the reason behind it is that the company didn’t decide who they wanted to be and how they were going to inspire us (the employees) to make us think the same way. There was never a north star for the company, and as employees, we didn’t understand the WHY behind their mission.

A why, a what, and a how

This is where my Lifedge journey starts. I went from working for a small business to the corporate world. I switched from a fast approach to building websites to focusing on the needs of only one website and one company.

Because of these experiences, I can firmly say that when I started my company, I had a why, a what, and a how.

And what is the meaning of Lifedge, you might ask?

To bring new life to small companies and give them the edge (secret weapon, advantage) they need in order to be successful.

“Bring your brand to life, build the edge you need.”

Edge = improved position or advantage, setting our customers up for success

Let me be clear though: our focus isn’t necessarily about simply giving you an edge over your competition. It’s about being successful with your own business.

Looking back on Lifedge’s 5-year anniversary

When I started Lifedge 5 years ago, my wife, Terrah, was pregnant with our first child. As I contemplated what to do when my previous job closed its doors, I knew what I really wanted was to be there for my family. I wanted a flexible schedule that allowed me to bring some money home and still be around for my wife and kids.

Over the years, not only has Lifedge given me more time with my family, but it’s also given me the joy of partnering with more than 15 different contractors. Together, we’ve been able to use our gifts and talents to serve and help nearly 70 customers achieve success in their businesses through digital marketing.

Over the past 5 years, our methods have changed and improved, but the mission remains the same. We’re passionate about teaming up with you to work on and dream about your business together.

I know that I could probably write a book on what I have learned in the past 5 years (and maybe one day I will!) by building this business day by day. For now though, let me just say this: thank you, THANK YOU for your partnership and friendship, and for helping Lifedge succeed. Your success as a business and organization is our success. So, with that having been said, let’s give thanks and celebrate together this month!

Talk soon,



Many businesses are struggling because their marketing efforts are not providing the results they want. Lifedge offers strategy, planning, and execution of high-quality digital marketing to help you achieve success online, giving you the confidence that your marketing works.


About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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