Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Social Media Manager
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Does keeping up with social media feel completely overwhelming? Have you been considering hiring a social media manager, but aren’t sure whether or not it will be the best move for your business? Here are some questions to ask before hiring a social media manager.

Questions to ask before hiring a social media manager:


What is my goal for my social media channels?

Is it to gain followers? Increase engagement? Direct people to your website? Increase calls to your business?

What social media platforms are most important to me?

You don’t have to be on every platform. In fact, it’s usually best to choose 2-3 platforms and really focus on those, rather than spreading yourself too thin. After you’ve decided on your platforms, you’ll need to decide whether you want your social media manager to run all of them or just one or two.

What’s included in the price?

How many posts per month are included in the package? Do they offer videos? Graphics?

How do you track progress?

Will there be any monthly reports provided?

Will I get to review the posts?

Can I check over the posts before they go out and suggest changes if needed?

What information will I need to provide?

Am I responsible for providing any images, calendars, or other information for the posts?

Can you share any examples of other companies you have worked with?

It’s totally fair to ask for samples of their work!

Why should you consider hiring a social media manager?

Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider hiring someone to manage your social media accounts. A social media manager can…

  • Increase brand awareness by consistent posting
  • Keep a consistent theme throughout your posts
  • Have an established plan for your posting throughout the month
  • Save you time (social media has a way of sucking time, even if you’re committed to using it for business purposes only)
  • Increase your chances of success by providing an expert opinion
  • Keep track of your monthly reports to see what works and what doesn’t

Need help with social media?

Did you know that Lifedge provides social media management packages? Whether you’re lacking engagement, feeling confused about your strategy, or just running out of time to do it all, we’re here to help.

Want to know more about our social media management options? Read more about our services or book a meeting today. 

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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