5 Tips for Writing a Great Facebook Post
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We all want to get the most out of our social media accounts by providing followers with interesting, interactive, valuable material. It takes writing a great Facebook post to grab your followers’ attention, boost activity, and see results. We want to share a few tips with you that will help to increase your traffic and sales and get the most from your Facebook presence.

How to create a great Facebook post:


1) Define Your Goal

You can’t achieve your goals without knowing your goals, and social media is no exception. Do you want to simply engage more people and have traffic on your page, or do you want your posts to call people to direct action that results in increased sales? Before you begin to post, make sure you have solid goals for your entire Facebook page. Then, define your goals for that specific post. We recommend creating SMART goals — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-sensitive.

2) Add High-Quality Visuals

Be sure to add an image or another form of media to your post to automatically increase engagement. The human eye is drawn to photos and visual representations. The goal is to keep them eye-catching, yet simple. Avoid overused stock photos and get creative with your own material. You can take your own photos or create your own graphics using programs like Canva. Make visuals interesting, but avoid having too much going on, which can be distracting. Remember, visuals shouldn’t distract from your main goal, so keep it simple. Lastly, keep a consistent theme in your photos and graphics throughout your Facebook page.

3) Keep it Concise

Great Facebook posts are quick and catchy. Avoid long, drawn-out paragraphs and excess information. Keep your posts short and to-the-point. As with your visuals, work to keep a consistent theme that fits your brand. Always double-check spelling and grammar!

4) Include a Call to Action When Necessary

If you want your customers to respond to your post, you need to clearly tell them what to do next. The reader should know exactly what it is that you want from them. Give specific instructions, using concise language and power verbs. For example: “Call today”, “Sign up now”, etc. Clearly point the reader where you want them to go by including a link.

That having been said, you do not need to include a call to action in every post. This will be annoying to readers and they will get tired of you asking for something every time you post. Instead, consider giving to your customers 80% of the time, and asking for something 20% of the time. In other words, you should include a call to action in about one of every five posts. 

5) Focus on Your Audience

Not everyone on the internet is going to be interested in your product or service. Think through who it is that you want as your clients, and get to know your customer demographic. Define who you want to target in your post and adjust accordingly. Utilize different posts to engage different environments.

Putting it all together

Now that you’ve got the idea, let’s go over the steps one more time! Follow these tips to craft a Facebook post that will bring results.


  • Know your goal–for both your page and your post
  • Use quality graphics
  • Avoid distractions
  • Clarify your call to action
  • Know your audience

What are you waiting for? Follow these tips, and watch your Facebook page thrive!

Lifedge is a digital marketing company located near Grand Rapids, Michigan. Lifedge has helped dozens small businesses to increase their online presence through all kinds of digital marketing avenues. We want to help you achieve digital marketing success, too! We hope these tips will give you some creative ideas for producing results-oriented Facebook posts. Follow us for more great tips, or reach out to us today to see how we can continue to help you!

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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