Veracity Cabinet Refacing is one of Lifedge’s amazing clients. We’re honored that they trusted us to design their website and implement new marketing strategies to bring in customers. Read their story below!
Have you heard of cabinet refacing? It’s genius – one of those things you just wish everyone in the world knew about.
Essentially, cabinet refacing is the process of replacing your cabinet doors (along with other cabinet components too, if you wish) while keeping the original cabinet boxes.
I got the pleasure of talking with Garrett and Marissa Finch, the owners of Veracity Cabinet Refacing, about their business and their experience with Lifedge.
A quick anecdote about starting a small business
Before we dive into the interview, I actually wanted to share a quick anecdote from my own life:
A year or so after I got married, the woodworking company my husband worked for went under, and he found himself out of a job. Being young newlyweds, we didn’t have much in the way of savings, so it was important for him to find work fast.
While he looked for a more permanent position, he started offering his services as a private contractor using the skills he had picked up at the woodworking business. He wasn’t a master carpenter yet, but he could paint, install drywall and trim, and lay flooring to name a few things.
But there was a problem
We thought we had found a pretty good short-term solution to his employment problem. After all, doesn’t everybody have a home improvement project or two that they need a contractor to help with? There must be a huge market for this type of work, right?
Well… yes. In fact, many contractors are booked out for months because there’s so much work to be done in this field. But, we didn’t know how to tap into the market. After all our planning, we realized that we had no idea how to find clients!
After a few months of trying to make it work and only getting hired by people we already knew, my husband was very relieved to accept a long-term position elsewhere where he’s happily working to this day. The solo contractor life wasn’t for us. And the difficulties of it were almost entirely because we didn’t know how to put our name out there and find clients!
How does this connect to Veracity Cabinet Refacing?
The reason I bring up this story from my own life is that it gets to the heart of the problem that Veracity Cabinet Refacing was experiencing: they had an amazing service to offer that many people wanted, but no real way to find and connect with new clients.
As you’ll see in our interview, this problem that Garrett and Marissa were facing was a serious roadblock for them on their path to success with Veracity. Check out what they said below!
Interview with Veracity Cabinet Refacing
To give you a little backstory on Veracity, Garrett and Marissa Finch own and operate the company in the greater Lansing area of Michigan. They live on a bit of land with their children, and enjoy gardening, raising chickens, and sharing meals around their table.
We love their sweet family and are proud to be a small part of Veracity’s success story!
Check out our interview below:
Why did you start Veracity Cabinet Refacing?
“As a previous woodworker building custom furniture, I had the opportunity to go into a lot of homes and hear many homeowners’ plans and goals for their kitchens.
During this time, I realized that the Lansing area was really lacking in options for updating kitchen cabinetry – one of the most important aspects of the kitchen – at an affordable price.
Custom cabinetry is out of many homeowners’ budgets, and cabinets don’t always need to be replaced.
We decided to start Veracity as an affordable solution for homeowners who want to update their cabinets to make them look ‘like new’ at a fraction of the cost and the hassle.”
How did you get into this type of work?
“My work experience in woodworking and remodeling gave me an appreciation for quality work and a springboard for working with cabinetry.
The process of painting our own kitchen cabinets (years before starting Veracity) also inspired us to create a better solution for homeowners in our area!”
What makes your business unique?
“The attention to detail. We’re a family-owned business (just myself and my wife), so I’m personally with clients through every single step of the process.
From the first phone call to coming out to measure and talk through designs to communication and ultimately the install and finishing touches, clients don’t have to worry about being tossed around from employee to employee and having details or concerns fall through the cracks.”
What are your favorite things about owning your own business?
“The ability to provide a really high-quality service for my clients.
Also, the flexibility it provides for me to be able to support my family and be there for my wife and kids.”
What are Veracity’s core values?
“‘Veracity’ means honest, accurate, and true. It’s really important to us to provide a very high quality of service without cutting corners and to be completely trustworthy in our word and work.”
What challenges were you facing before working with Lifedge?
“We didn’t have anywhere to send clients to find out more about Veracity. We didn’t have a good way to capture leads and get initial calls scheduled. And, we weren’t able to be found online. So it was tough to find work.”
What did your marketing look like at that point?
“Not good! Before making our website with Lifedge, we already knew that they did great work (which is why we chose to work with them). But we were still blown away when we saw the finished site.
Up to that point, our only clients were people we already knew. Thankfully, we partnered with Lifedge not long after starting the business, so it didn’t take long to start seeing results and being able to reach a wider audience.
The exceptionally high-quality site combined with Oscar’s genuine interest and direction for our marketing strategy has been absolutely essential for the growth of the business.”
Did the new website help you overcome any challenges?
“Absolutely – the challenge of getting enough clients!
We loved that Lifedge not only took our ideas seriously and implemented them, but also gave us plenty of suggestions to make our marketing way better.”
What has been the most impactful thing from your marketing relationship with Lifedge?
“It’s hard to pick one!
- The results!
- The care for our business. The Lifedge team has been so helpful in every step and seems to truly care about our success. They’re always quick to respond when we have a question or concern.”
Where can people find out more about your business?
“Our website – – has everything you need to know, thanks to Lifedge!”
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Garrett and Marissa! It means the world to us to know that we made a difference for our clients. Keep up the great work at Veracity!
Do you have a business success story? Let us know in the comments!
Lifedge can help you succeed online, too.
Do these challenges sound familiar to you?
Do you have an amazing product or service to offer, but have trouble finding clients?
Or do you need to boost your online presence so you have somewhere to direct interested leads?
We get it. Running a business is a full-time job in itself, and marketing can sometimes take a back burner while you focus on the essentials. But, as you saw in our customer spotlight, good marketing can make the difference between succeeding online, or not.
That’s why we’re here. Lifedge offers high-quality digital marketing services that make a difference. Book a meeting with us today to get started!