Free Google Tools You Need for Your Website
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There are unlimited options for different programs and technology to help you with your website. It can be overwhelming to decide what’s the best investment of your time and money. Did you know that Google offers a variety of tremendously helpful tools for free? With these resources, you can get incredible insights for how to improve your site and capitalize on the traffic you already have. Check out these free Google tools you need for your website!


Free Google Tools You Need for Your Website


If you’re not using these free Google tools, you’re missing out. Whether you want to help more people find your physical location, are working to improve SEO, or want to know where your traffic is coming from, Google provides a variety of free resources. 

Here are three free Google tools that you don’t want to neglect:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Search Console
  3. Google My Business

Let’s take a look at how each one can help your business.


Google Analytics


Firstly, Google Analytics is an incredible tool. With Analytics installed, you can see all kinds of information regarding your traffic. Check out stats about your website’s sessions, see how your site is acquiring traffic, note the location of your users and time of day they visit, see the type of devices used, find most-visited pages on your site, and so much more.

With the tools accessible from Google Analytics, you can better understand your customers and their needs. Because of this, Google Analytics is an indispensable tool for SEO and for overall improving your site traffic.

Remember, having an amazing and beautiful website is only helpful if people are visiting it. If you’re not sure whether your website is really doing anything for your business or not, Google Analytics can help you find out. And if you want to see statistics about how your traffic is growing and where it’s coming from, Google Analytics can help with that, too.

Don’t have it set up yet? Get started with Google Analytics on your website today!


Google Search Console


Next up, Google Search Console is a free tool that can give you amazing insights about how your website is being found online. With this tool, you can monitor your page indexing, see how your site is performing in regards to web traffic, see what queries are being found and visited most often on your site, and more.

As you add content to your page to improve your SEO, Google Search Console can help guide your decisions. With this tool, you can find out what keywords are bringing the most traffic. Then, you’ll have insight for how you can best capitalize on those opportunities.

Unlike Google Analytics, Google Search Console is focused on organic traffic. It doesn’t contain information about traffic from other sources (ads, social media, etc.).


Google My Business


You can think of Google My Business as similar to an online version of the yellow pages.

Your Google Business Profile provides web users with pertinent information about your business. When customers search your Business Profile, they can easily access information such as your location, hours of operation, menu, website, reviews, and more.


Google My Business Lifedge

Google My Business is available for any businesses with customer contact (such as physical locations or businesses that provide a physical service).

Create your profile to get started with Google Business! 


Need help with these free Google tools?


Fortunately, Google has made these tools fairly user-friendly. At the same time, sometimes adding one more task to your plate feels impossible, no matter how helpful it may be.

At Lifedge, we know that having a well-made, user-friendly website is only a part of the equation. Without an effective sales funnel, your website might never be seen or never convert leads to sales. These Google tools are an incredible aid in helping your potential customers to actually find your business online.

Whether you need help setting up your free Google tools, want a website revamp, or are ready to tap into an effective sales funnel that gets you results, we’re here for you.

Book a meeting today! 

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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