Web Development Case Study: Non-Profit Gets 5x Return on Their Investment!
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 A new website can change everything. Check out this web development case study to learn how a local non-profit got a 5x return on their investment!


Web development case study: Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids


Industry: Child and Youth Services

Type: Non-profit

Location: Grand Rapids, MI

Mission Statement: “Our mission is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as responsible citizens through education, recreation, and positive community experiences.”


1. About Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids


Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids offers after-school and summer programs which include sports, crafts, academic assistance, leadership training, career exploration, and warm meals and snacks.

They exist to provide a fun and safe environment for kids when they’re not in school. 


2. The backstory


Several months ago, Lifedge had the honor of redesigning the website of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids. We were super excited to partner with an awesome local non-profit, and as we expected, working with them was a fantastic experience!

Recently, they received a large donation (equal to 5x their web development investment!) which the new website made possible. 

As you can imagine, we’re pretty thrilled! I got the chance to talk with Angie Stumpo, Director of Development at Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids, to get the full story of the donation. Keep reading to learn how it happened.


3. Why Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids needed a new website


Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids provided an essential resource for their community, but they were facing a problem: their website was no longer functional.

The person who used to maintain their website stepped away from that role. No one else at the organization had the skill set to do necessary website maintenance, and things started to go downhill. 

At one point, part of the homepage display got seriously messed up, and no one knew how to fix it. “We had no clue at all how to get it back to functional,” Angie said. 

That’s when they knew it was time to redesign the website. 


4. The game plan


Fortunately, the staff at Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids had been thinking about what they wanted their new website to be like. Angie said, “We wanted something that was more modern, and that told our story better.” 

At the same time, they didn’t feel like they needed a massive overhaul of the content on the website. Most of their problem areas were in the design department, not the copy. 

But they had a very hard time finding a digital marketing company who was willing to work with them on the website design without charging as if they were re-doing all the copy, too. That’s when they found Lifedge! 

We partnered with Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids to create a new website that told their story in a clear, compelling, and beautiful way. (Without charging them for services that they didn’t need).


5. The website: before & after


Here is what the old homepage looked like: 

Two children smiling at the camera, one girl with braids and a pink jacket, and one boy in a yellow hoodie. Above them, the website header includes navigation links and a blue "Donate" button on the right—a perfect web development case study combining design elements and impactful visuals.

We absolutely loved this picture of these sweet kiddos, but we wanted the Boys & Girls Clubs story to be front and center on the homepage.

So, we ended up moving the picture further down the page and put this at the top of the new homepage:

Young boy focused on writing at a desk beside text promoting Boys & Girls Clubs and buttons for donations and membership, illustrating a web development case study that highlights community engagement.

(just click on the image to be directed to the full website!)

When you scroll down on the new homepage you can see the original picture with more info about Boys & Girls Clubs:

Website banner for Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids. Text reads "We believe that all youths deserve a safe space where they belong." Two children smile while holding art supplies. Buttons for "Donate Now" and "Become a Member." Check out our web development case study to see the impact we make.

These are a few examples of how we implemented Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids’s goal to tell their story in a beautiful and compelling way.

Here’s what Angie said about the finished product:

“Lifedge redesigned our website and the experience could not have gone better! They provided by far the best value of all the businesses we had quote our project. 

We really appreciated that the entire process was smooth and efficient, and they delivered a gorgeous end product that tells our story much better than our old site did.”

We’re so happy that the website redesign is what they were looking for! You can take a look at the new website here. 


6. The “Alexa, Thank My Driver” donation


”Alexa, Thank My Driver” is a program Amazon runs during the holiday season. The goal is to encourage hardworking Amazon drivers through the long days of Christmas deliveries.

Here’s how it works: when you (the customer) receive an Amazon delivery, you can tell your Alexa device, “Alexa, thank my driver.” Even if you don’t have an Alexa, you can still thank your driver online.

A few top drivers who received the most “thank yous” got a special opportunity: they received $25,000 from Amazon and an additional $25,000 would be given to a charity of their choice. 

You can probably see where this is going. Yes, one winning Amazon driver from Grand Rapids chose Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids as their donation recipient! 

After the holidays, Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids was notified that they were going to receive $25,000 from Amazon. “We actually thought it was a spam email at first!” Angie said. 

A few staff members went to the donation-presentation ceremony, including Angie’s colleague, Zoe. She got to meet the Amazon driver who picked Boys & Girls Clubs for the donation! Zoe asked her, “How did you hear about us?”  The driver answered, “I saw your website and I just really liked it.” 

She explained that she had searched for charities in the Grand Rapids area and found the website for Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids. 

Angie said, “We had just launched our new website, so it must tell the story pretty well for her to have picked us without having any involvement with us before that.”


7. How does this donation impact the Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids?


Many who donate to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids designate their gifts to fund certain items or programs. But one of the nice things about the Amazon donation is that it didn’t come with any restrictions. 

This means the non-profit can use it for whatever they choose! Angie explained to me that this is a huge blessing because it helps them cover the less glamorous costs that come with running the non-profit. 

She said, “A lot of our big funding comes from grants that are super specific. But they don’t cover keeping the lights on.” 

For example, with three facilities and a summer camp, Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids has a lot of utility bills and building maintenance. One of their facilities needs a new roof. 

Without funding for these costs, they wouldn’t be able to run their programs. The Amazon donation will be used towards essential operating costs like these. 

I asked Angie what the impact of this donation would be on the Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids going forward. Here’s what she said: 

“We’re so needed in our neighborhoods. We’re always looking for ways to grow because we know that there are kids out there who need us.” 

Donations like these are what keep awesome charities like Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids running. 

You can donate to Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids here.


8. How can a new website help your business?


This web development case study showcases something important:     a new website can change everything. 

When Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids came to Lifedge with an outdated and non-functional website, we helped them create something better: 

A website that told their story well – with a beautiful and modern design.

The result? An almost immediate 5x return on their investment. 

This wasn’t just luck – they were selected because their website told a compelling story. 

What could happen if your website told your story well? 

As a business owner, your website is one of your most important tools – it’s the place where you direct prospective clients, and often the place where they decide to do business with you.

The bottom line: your website is worth investing in. 

Are you tired of wasting time and money on marketing that doesn’t work? 

Start seeing results from your marketing efforts with Lifedge. We offer web development and digital marketing services you can feel confident about. 

With our expertise in web development and digital marketing, your website can do 3 things effectively:

  1. Tell your brand’s story 
  2. Attract new customers
  3. Drive conversions

Just like Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids, you can unlock new opportunities and growth for your business by partnering with Lifedge to create a compelling online presence.

And who knows? Your success story could be our next web development case study. 

Book a meeting with us today to get started.

About the Author

Sarah Harder

Sarah Harder

Sarah is one of the copywriters at Lifedge. She lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter and enjoys writing about all things marketing, trying new recipes, and raising her backyard chickens.


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