What is the StoryBrand Marketing Framework?
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Here at Lifedge, we’re big fans of the StoryBrand marketing framework. Our founder is a certified StoryBrand guide, and we love to use this framework to help our clients on the road to success. 


What is the StoryBrand marketing framework? 


StoryBrand is a tool that equips brands to clarify their message through story. The core principle of the StoryBrand marketing framework is that you are inviting your customers into a story where they are the hero.

So, how do you invite your customers into this kind of story? By using the 7-part StoryBrand framework. 


7-part StoryBrand marketing framework


Every great story follows the same pattern. The StoryBrand 7-part framework follows this pattern of a hero (the customer) on his journey to success and provides the model for you as a business to place yourself in this story. 

Below, we’ve listed the 7 parts of this story. 


1. A character


The StoryBrand marketing framework begins with a character – the hero of the story. This character has goals, wants, and somewhere they are trying to go. 

In this story, the hero is your customer. So, who is your customer? Are you trying to market to young adults? Men or women? People with pets? Make sure to define who your customer is so you can market to them effectively. 

The hero also needs a clearly defined want. After all, an audience won’t connect with or care about a story where the hero doesn’t have a clear goal right at the beginning. What does your customer want?


2. Has a problem


What’s standing between your customer and their goal? That thing is the problem. 

The problem is one of the most important parts of the StoryBrand framework because your company exists to solve this problem. 

Your brand’s primary focus should be the problem that you solve. In fact, the only reason you have customers at all is because you solve a problem that they have. If the problem your brand solves isn’t clearly defined, customers will move on. 


3. And meets a guide


Here’s where your company comes into the story. Now that you’ve identified the main character, their goal, and the problem that stops them from succeeding, that character needs a guide.

The guide exists in the story for one purpose: to help the hero overcome the problem and achieve their goal.

At this point, many brands go in the wrong direction. It’s a temptation for brands to tell their own story, rather than their customer’s story. In fact, you’ve probably seen brands like this! Every product label launches into the personal backstory of the founders and how they overcame their problems to achieve their dreams with this company. 

But the problem is, customers aren’t looking for another hero. They are looking for a guide. Not surprisingly then, if you position yourself as a hero, your potential customers may be happy for you, but then they will move on. 

It’s important to position yourself as the guide in your customer’s story, who will help them overcome the problem and achieve their goal. 


4. Who gives them a plan


At this time, the guide gives the hero a plan they have to follow in order to succeed. 

This plan should be simple and easy to understand quickly. In your customer’s story, the plan should be a few steps that lead to their desired result. 

Take, for example, a carpet cleaning company. The plan they lay out for their customers to follow could look something like this:

Step 1: Contact us for a quote

Step 2: We schedule a carpet cleaning day

Step 3: Sit back and relax while we make your carpet beautiful again!

Your company’s goal should be to lay out the process in the simplest way possible, so potential customers are not deterred by it. This way, you can help them see how easy it is to achieve their goal with your company!


5. And calls them to action


In a great story, the hero is not strong enough to solve their own problem. Thus, they need a guide to call them to action.

This call to action should be crystal clear. For example, you should have a button that says, “Buy Now” or “Request a Quote Today” in a prominent location on the web page. 

Clearly call your customers to action so their story can move forward into success. Make it easy for them to take the next step. 


6. That ends in success


Your customer’s story has two possible endings: failure or success. At this point in the StoryBrand marketing framework, you want to paint a picture for the customer of what their life will look like if they move forward with your company.

In essence, what will it be like when your company helps them achieve their goal? How much easier and more carefree will their life be as a result? What kinds of problems will they not have to worry about anymore? 

Show your customer what working with your company will look like for them, so they can see the happy ending for themselves. 


7. And helps them avoid failure


Finally, the other possible outcome for the hero of the story is failure. What happens if they don’t solve the problem or achieve the goal?

Show them what their life looks like if they don’t do business with you. What happens if the problem doesn’t get solved? 

This may seem like an unnecessarily negative step in the story, but actually, it’s very important for the hero to see what is at stake. 


StoryBrand marketing framework conclusion


If you completed the 7-part StoryBrand Marketing Framework, congratulations! You’ve told your customers’ story in a compelling way and invited them into a narrative where they can succeed.  

Your company should always address your customer’s problem right away, and instill confidence in them that you can solve their problem. They are the hero, and you are the guide, helping them on their road to success. In summary, tell your customer’s story.

After you’ve clarified your message using these powerful tools, your business can use this framework on your website, social media channels, email marketing, and more.

Want to dive deeper into StoryBrand? Check out part one of our StoryBrand Series where we walk through different parts of the marketing framework in greater detail.

Or, if you’d like to get a really in-depth look at the framework, you might be interested in the StoryBrand founder’s book, Building a StoryBrand.

Lifedge also offers marketing and website development services using the StoryBrand marketing framework. We love to help our clients communicate effectively through the power of story, so book a meeting with us today to learn more!

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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