5 Tips to Compare Inbound Marketing Agencies
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So, you’re starting to compare inbound marketing agencies to find the right one for you. We know it can be overwhelming! That’s why we’ve put together these 5 tips to help you in your search. 

At the end of the day, the best inbound marketing agency for you is the one that listens to your goals and knows how to make them come to life. 


What is inbound marketing? 


To put it simply, inbound marketing is creating content that will attract customers to your website, products, and services. Examples of inbound marketing include blog posts, product reviews, social media, and any other content that provides value to customers. 

So, what makes content valuable to potential customers? The best inbound marketing content provides value by solving a problem or answering a question your customers have.


The alternative: outbound marketing


The alternative to inbound marketing is, of course, outbound marketing. Outbound marketing involves more direct ways of reaching out to potential customers with advertisements for products and services. Think of a cold call or a flyer stuck into your front door promoting a product. 

Inbound marketing has been found to be more effective than outbound marketing, and it usually comes at a lower cost. 


Inbound marketing takes time and resources


The only problem is, inbound marketing can be pretty time-consuming. You not only need to come up with ideas for engaging content, but also implement those ideas in the form of blog posts, social media content, emails, etc. 

This is why many companies choose to hire an inbound marketing agency to handle their marketing. It frees their employees up to focus on the business itself.

The job of an inbound marketing agency is to create inbound marketing campaigns for your business, improve SEO, and curate your company’s social media presence, to name a few. If they do their job well, it will attract customers and increase online engagement with your business.


5 tips to compare inbound marketing agencies


But how do you choose a good inbound marketing agency? As a business owner, you want to be confident that the marketing you are investing in is going to be profitable for you. 

To help you in your search, we’ve curated 5 tips to compare inbound marketing agencies. 


1. Figure out your company’s needs and priorities


What are your goals for your company’s inbound marketing? Focus on the main things that you want to improve. 

Is your priority to get a successful blog up and running for your business, or to increase customer engagement across your social media platforms? Or, are you looking for more technical help, like SEO optimization? 

Hammering out what your specific inbound marketing goals are for your business will help you choose the right inbound marketing agency for the job.

If you’re not sure how to get started with inbound marketing, or if it’s even something you want to invest in, check out this article: Is Digital Marketing a Waste of Money?


2. Check out the reviews


This tip to compare inbound marketing agencies may seem obvious, but it’s a very important one! Make sure to check out reviews and testimonials from other clients who have hired the marketing agency. 

On top of that, take a good look at the marketing agency’s website and social media presence as well. If you aren’t a big fan of the work they have done for other companies, or even for their own company, you probably won’t love what they can do for you.

As a general rule of thumb, you should look for a marketing agency that has a website and social media presence you really like. Because chances are good that you will get something similar if you work with them.


3. Look for an agency that serves companies like yours


Analyze what kind of company you have and compare inbound marketing agencies that serve companies similar to yours.

The marketing needs and strategies of a large tech company are going to be very different from a local lawn care business. You don’t want to end up with a marketing agency that specializes in something totally different from your business! 

A good inbound marketing agency will be able to customize the content they produce for different businesses, but even great marketing agencies have specialties and areas where they excel. You want to find a marketing agency that does its best work with companies like yours.


4. Make sure to interact as you compare inbound marketing agencies


A marketing agency’s communication skills can tell you a lot about what working with them will be like. This is why it’s helpful to spend time interacting with an inbound marketing agency before you decide to hire them. 

Make sure that they respond to emails and other communications in a timely manner, and are open and transparent with you the whole time. If they are hard to get in touch with, or unclear about their process, that’s a glimpse of what working with them will look like. Red flags in communication mean it might be time for you to move on to another agency. 


5. Notice how much they involve you in the process


A good inbound marketing agency will prioritize your vision and goals for the marketing campaign. An important tip to compare inbound marketing agencies is to make sure that you are as involved as you want to be in the process. 

How well do they listen to you and put your ideas into action? Do they ask you for feedback and insight, or do you feel dismissed in these conversations?

Don’t settle for an agency that disregards your input. 


A final word as you compare inbound marketing agencies


It’s not always easy to compare inbound marketing agencies, but with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the right one for you!

If you’re looking for an inbound marketing agency that will listen to your goals and work hard to make your vision a reality, Lifedge can help. We’re passionate about creating high-quality digital content for our clients that brings them success online. Book a meeting with us today to learn how we can help you!

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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