Email Campaigns – StoryBrand Series Part 6
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Email campaigns make up the last two parts of the sales funnel. You already have a one-liner, a website, and a lead generator (or more than one!). Now it’s time to guide your customer through the commitment phase of the relationship.
sales funnel

The purpose of email campaigns

After you receive a potential customer’s email address in exchange for your lead generator, you’ll use that email address to keep in touch through email campaigns. You’ll want to be a good steward of that hard-earned email address, so your emails should continue to offer value to your readers.

We know what you’re probably thinking: “Do people even read emails anymore?” Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t. It actually doesn’t matter a whole lot. Here’s why: even if not a single one of your emails gets opened, your brand is still flashing in front of your customer’s eyes. If you send an email once a week, they’ll see your name on their phone every single week, even if they send the email straight to the trash. In this way, they’ll continually be reminded that your brand exists and might even be able to help them. Then, when the need for your product or service arises, your name will be in the front of their minds.

Two types of e-mail campaigns 

There are two types of e-mail campaigns:


  • Nurture campaigns. These allow you to stay in contact with potential clients and earn their trust over time. Nurture e-mails speak to your customer’s problem, give them a solution, and allow them to keep in touch with your brand.
  • Sales campaigns. You’ll use these e-mails when it’s time to get serious by asking for the customer’s business and closing the sale. Sales e-mails are bold and include a call to action.

Get them to want to marry you

As Donald Miller describes it, the purpose of an email campaign is to get the email receiver to want to marry you. Sound a little weird? Stick with us.

The first time a customer visits your site, it’s like a first meeting. If you ask someone to marry you the first time you meet, they’ll most likely walk away. Similarly, most people won’t make a purchase the very first time they hear of your brand.

After three dates with someone, will they be ready to marry you? Most likely not. In the same way, after three points of contact with your brand, a customer still may not be ready to purchase your product or service.

After many dates, hopefully you’ll get a resounding “yes!” when you pop the question. And after your name pops into your customer’s inbox over and over, eventually they’ll warm up to you and be ready to make the commitment to purchase from you.

What should I include in my emails?

Your emails can include all kinds of information. Think about your business and what would be helpful and interesting to your customers. Here are a few ideas for your nurture campaign:

  • Weekly tips or announcements
  • Social media tips
  • Time management techniques
  • Weekly calendar
  • New products or services
  • Weekly specials
  • How-to videos

Your sales campaign will be a little different in that it will deliberately ask customers for a sale. Sales campaigns are usually sent after you’ve nurtured the customer relationship through a nurture campaign.

Want more tips for creating great email content? Check out our previous post, How to Create Automated E-mail Campaigns.

Need help?

If you’re not sure you have the time to commit to a weekly email campaign, we can help. We offer email marketing packages that allow you to continue connecting with clients in your sleep! When you hire us, you can be confident that you’ll be sending valuable emails to your highly qualified leads. You can then focus your energy on helping customers! Contact us today to talk about your next email campaign.

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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