Lifedge Roundup: Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts
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As we start the new year, let’s take a look back at our 10 most popular blog posts – there’s something for everyone in this eclectic roundup! 


Lifedge’s 10 Most Popular Blog Posts


#1: Summer Morning Routine Ideas


Okay, this one surprised us, too. It’s not specifically marketing-related, and we’re a digital marketing company after all. But sure enough, number one on our list of most popular blog posts is about how to create a productive summer morning routine! 

These 6 tips for a healthy routine will help you stay sharp through the warmer months.

Read the post here.


#2: Creating a Lead-Generating PDF


In this blog post, learn all about what a lead generator is and how to create a lead-generating PDF! 

We’ll give you a little sneak-peak here, which is that a great lead generator needs to do two things:

  1. Demonstrate authority
  2. Solve your client’s problem

Read the post to learn more!


#3: The Compounding Effect of SEO for Long-Term Success


Whether you love it or hate it, SEO is part of our lives now and it doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. That being the case, it’s best to make friends with SEO sooner rather than later!

In this blog post, learn all about how SEO works, Google penalties to avoid, organic traffic vs. pay-per-click, and more! You don’t need to be an SEO expert to get started – just learn a few of the basics here and you’ll be on your way. 

Read the post here.


#4: The Iceberg of Ignorance


 …The what? 

You read that right – the Iceberg of Ignorance is a decades-old theory about the inverse relationship between the level of authority someone has in a company and the amount of knowledge that person has about the actual problems going on at the ground level. 

This great image from Corporate Rebels illustrates the theory well:

Iceberg of Ignorance graphic from Corporate Rebel

Especially if you’re an executive or hold a position of authority at work, this blog post is for you!


#5 Storybrand Series


Number 5 of our most popular blog posts is actually a 7-part series about all things Storybrand. Lifedge’s CEO, Oscar, is a Storybrand Certified Guide, and we’re passionate about the ways this marketing framework can transform businesses. 

If you’re unfamiliar with Storybrand or want to learn more about it, don’t skip this series! Read parts 1-7 for a thorough introduction to the Storybrand marketing framework. 

  1. What is a Brandscript?
  2. Brand Summary and One-Liner
  3. Value Proposition and Website WIreframe
  4. What is a Sales Funnel?
  5. What is a Lead Generator?
  6. Email Campaigns
  7. Build Your Brand Online with Marketing Made Simple


#6: 5 Tips for Writing a Great Facebook Post

Feel like you’re in a rut with social media posts? It takes effort to consistently come up with posts that engage your followers and boost interaction. 

In this blog post, we offer 5 tips for writing a great Facebook post that you can follow every time! 

You should read the full post for details, but here’s the bullet point version:

  • Know your goal–for both your page and your post
  • Use quality graphics
  • Avoid distractions
  • Clarify your call to action
  • Know your audience

Read the full post here.


#7: How Many Lead Magnets Should I Have for My Business?


A lead magnet is something you give away to potential customers for free. It demonstrates that your business is all about providing value and solving your customers’ problems. 

Lead magnets can look all sorts of ways, but a few common ones are coupons, PDFs, and eBooks. But, how many of these do you need as a business? Is one enough? Read the post here to find out. 


#8: How to Build Momentum in Your Daily Productivity


We all know what it’s like to lose steam over the course of a workday. For most people, it starts after lunch, in the early afternoon hours – and sometimes the entire rest of the day is a wash in terms of productivity. 

In this blog post, we share a productivity secret! Find out how to build momentum as the day goes on. Read the post here.


#9: 9 Email Content Ideas for Your Business


It just so happens that number 9 on our list of most popular blog posts has 9 ideas for email content! If you feel like you’re running out of ideas for those weekly business emails, this post is for you. 

Email marketing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach your audience, so don’t waste the opportunity by sending out low-quality content. Keep your readers engaged and keep your conversion rates high with these fresh email content ideas for your business. Read the blog post here.


#10: List of “Weird” Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media!


Maybe you know about National Donut Day, but have you ever heard of National Limerick Day or Awkward Moments Day? Or, the January-appropriate Ditch Your Resolution Day? 

Check out this blog post for a month-by-month list of “weird” holidays to celebrate on social media, in the office, or wherever!

Read the post here.


Check out our other blog posts


We hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup of our most popular blog posts – if you like what you see, feel free to take a look at our blog for more posts about digital marketing, industry news, and life tips!

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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