10 Ways to Practice Thankfulness
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Happy Thanksgiving from Lifedge! Today, we’re reflecting on thankfulness and all the blessings that are around us. We thought about 10 ways to practice thankfulness today and every day.


Why practice thankfulness?


Each day, we get to make a choice. We can be gloomy, or we can see the bright side of life. Though not every moment is butterflies and rainbows, we can still practice being thankful for all of the goodness in our lives.

Studies have shown that practicing thankfulness leads to improved health, stronger relationships, more positive emotions toward friends and family members, and improved overall well-being.

Don’t take our word for it though, try it yourself! Here are 10 easy ways to practice thankfulness.


10 ways to practice thankfulness


1.     Keep a journal


Keeping a thankfulness journal can be as easy as writing down one sentence per day. Take a few minutes to sit down each day – or as often as possible – and jot down something that you’re thankful for.


2.     Tell your family members one thing you love about them


You can practice thankfulness for your family members by both recognizing what you appreciate about them and telling them. When you do this, don’t add anything that you wish they would change. Simply tell them why you love them!

Here are few ideas…

  • “You did such a great job helping your little brother put his shoes on earlier. Thank you for being so helpful!”
  • “You are such a great cook. Thank you for preparing meals that are nourishing and delicious!”
  • “You played wonderfully at your soccer game today! Even though you didn’t win, you really hustled and were an encouragement to your team.”
  • “Thank you for working so hard each day and never complaining. Our family has no idea how much you do for us, but we sure are thankful!”


3.     Practice a random act of kindness


Showing kindness to others encourages both them and yourself. Practice thankfulness by going out of your way to make someone else’s day. It can be as simple as holding the door for a stranger at the store or paying for someone else’s cup of coffee.


4.     Purpose to not complain


All of us have found ourselves complaining too much at one time or another. If you’ve noticed this trait in yourself, decide on a specified of time that you will not complain. It can be a day, a week, or even an hour. See if you notice a difference in your attitude or the attitudes of those around you (hint: you probably will!).


5.     Turn your complaints into gratitude


Instead of simply not complaining, take it a step further by turning your complaints into gratitude. Think about how you can flip the situation around in order to find something to be thankful for. For example:

  • Instead of complaining about your job, think about how difficult it would be to not have a job.
  • If your house is feeling cramped and small, remember that you have a roof over your head and a warm space to sleep at night.
  • Don’t particularly love the food that you’re eating? Hey, it could be worse! Practice thankfulness that you have food to eat to nourish your body.
  • Feeling lonely? Think about the people that you do have in your life who you love and appreciate. And maybe give them a call or text to tell them you care!


6.     Smile


Not feeling it today? Try smiling anyway. Studies have shown that the endorphins released from smiling can help combat stress and even act as an antidepressant.

Of course, if you’re struggling with lasting feelings of depression, talk to a doctor, counselor, or someone else you trust.


7.     Decorate with pictures


What makes you remember how grateful you really are? Your kids? A pet? Your favorite activity? Print out some pictures of your favorite moments and people to decorate your home or office.


8.     Call your parents or grandparents


If you have parents or grandparents to call, don’t take it for granted. Make communication with your parents and grandparents a regular activity. While you’re at it, tell them something that you love about them!


9.     Get outside


Being in nature is an excellent activity for boosting mental health and practicing feelings of thankfulness. Go for a walk in the woods, take a bike ride, or simply sit on your front porch and read a book.


10.  Make gratitude a habit


One of the best ways to form a habit is to decide when, where, and how you’ll do it on a regular basis.

Find a time in your day where you can regularly practice gratitude. This can mean writing a sentence or two in your journal when you wake up or before you go to bed, praying and thanking God before dinner, or listing 5 things you’re thankful for out loud on your way to work each day. Choose a time, place, and plan to practice thankfulness each day.


We’re thankful for…


There’s so much that we’re thankful for here at Lifedge both as a team and individually. When we think of thankfulness, one of the top thoughts that comes to mind is you! Thank you to our awesome clients, friends, and readers. We’re so glad to be with you on this journey of growing your business and helping customers. Thanks for being a part of the Lifedge family!

About the Author

Oscar Quesada

Oscar Quesada


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